All rental properties must be inspected BEFORE a tenant resides in a property. The fee for an Occupancy Permit Inspection is $75.00. If the first inspection fails, the fee for a reinspection is $75.00. This is the responsibility of the Landlord. If a tenant resides in a property without an inspection being done first, the Landlord may be cited and fined. This must be done each time a tenant occupies the property.
All Landlords must fill out the form below and submit by January 30th each year. The Landlord may be cited and fined if they do not provide is with this information by the due date.
NOTE: It is in the Landlord's best interest to have utilities mailed to homeowner's address and adjust rent accordingly. We have not had the capability of notifying Landlord's of past due balances. We are in the process of changing this process. This is your choice, but all past due balances on Refuse and Sewage Recovery are responsible by Property Owner.
In addition to the application below, I will mail these out January of every year. They need to be received by the end of the month. When a tenant changes, please fill out a new form and submit to the borough.